Saint Creature

I’m alive, I just got a fly in my eye…

I’m working on a local project, so I don’t have time for anything else. I looked – I haven’t been here for 5 days. It’s crazy how quickly time flies. However… what I’m doing is a small-large social project that should unite the entire city (and its events) with a population of about 12,000 people. This is a kind of pilot project of the idea of ​​what can be achieved if you try to unite different segments of the population. Will it be successful? Time will tell. But for now, I’m investing a lot in it.

In a sense, this is my promising job. The funny thing is that it’s a full-time job (with a schedule) for $150 a month. On the other hand… times are turbulent and no one knows what will happen with trade in the future. So this would be at least some kind of base for actual earnings. Maybe it makes sense, there are all sorts of possible additional payments and something more interesting in terms of money is already looming there.

Have I found my place? And no. But the other day I put on my earring (for which I pierced my ear), wrote Sa Crea on a fabric ribbon and attached it to the earring. That evening I was myself. That evening I spoke in front of people for the first time.

But I see my main and more important blog here. Where I am with you. I share, like, thoughts. I share them with my loved ones. I love you all. See you soon. I went to add posts to the main blog about a couple of anime 🙂


Not on time

I watch people who have gone to Europe now, and… I understand that it’s not the right time for the idea of ​​moving somewhere there. Or moving at all. Simply because everyone now has either a problem with obtaining a visa, or a problem with work. So, is there so much desire to go into the unknown, using their only chance? For now, most likely, they want to get some stability here, and there are certain plans and ideas on how to do it.

In general, having your own house, even $ 250 a month does not seem like such bad money, especially if it would be a net stable income in addition to what you have. So… it remains to find yourself and this income on the side. This would allow you to close certain issues and move on. For now, my head is only filled with creativity, and that’s good. If for the second month in a row I consider myself a more creative person, then the year is going as planned. In the final case, you can leave at any time. We just need to know where and why, for now… let’s think about something here.

Plans are…

There is such an idea as “brainstorming”, when various, even the strangest ideas are expressed, and in them you try to find something ingenious that will help you develop. And it feels like now, considering the most diverse options, we are looking for our own path and our own method. Choosing even from those options that seemed (or still seem) unlikely. But what is probability, anyway? The question is only how much you are ready to go to the goal.

It should be admitted that we looked at the example of Czech courses and came to the conclusion that we will not be able to learn a language, which in places is the complete opposite of Ukrainian in terms of the meaning of words, not to mention the alphabet with the pronunciation of letters, which, together with certain exceptions and rules, make learning the language as difficult as learning German or French. However, I think the Czech Republic will not lose much if we do not get there because of this. Although this seemed to be the best sense and the best place to move. But now in our life there is such a dynamic that plans change every week because the information we learn about changes. So…

I think that we will still start to deepen our knowledge of English, and then this path will lead us somewhere. Either in terms of work, or in terms of the country where we will move. Is there anything holding us back now? In general, no. The choice is ours