
The screeching of the hard disk was reminiscent of the past.

I connected an old hard drive to my computer, I needed to find a license key for a plugin. I came across old archives – music I listened to back then, a few photos…why do we cling to the old?..

The further you go, the more you resemble that meme when “the boy Kolya is 30 years old, and he still hasn’t decided what he wants to be when he grows up.” Apparently the question isn’t even who he wants to be, but rather who he doesn’t want to be, looking at others who are “over 30”.

When you look at vacancies – you have a constant feeling that “this is not the job for you, this is not about you”. Because you understand what kind of work it will be for 10-12 hours a day. On the other hand…what have you achieved? You missed all the opportunity to invest in something to be higher and better than what they can offer you now. You don’t have a fat paw up your ass that will pull you somewhere, so…what were you expecting?..

At such moments, it seems that you will just stay where you are and continue to do the same thing as before. Because then you will at least have free time. Otherwise…

I would like to do the same direction that I do now – repairing equipment, but everywhere only packers, assemblers, and other warehouse workers are needed. Which is sad. But how is it. Pros? You can get 2000-2500 euros without thinking about some courses and learning languages. But how long will you last in such a job when you don’t see life in general? Someone for a long time. Me?..I wouldn’t want to abandon the blog, photography, and just work for money. Because why do you need such a thing?..but there are not many other options now. So let’s think…

Someone gets the opportunity to go somewhere and they’ll arrange it for them, and someone…someone has to find their own place..

Background of the Soul

Do all people see or hear things the same way? At one time, I thought that there are people who may not like someone, but I find something nice in them. And I thought that only I see this and no one else. Over time, I came to understand that my perception is the same average as that of others, accordingly, any person from the same class of the population will perceive a particular person, most likely, in the same way as I do. Music is another matter.

When I was driving today and listening to a song, I thought that I don’t know how someone else could perceive it? Because for him it will sound completely different and in a completely different form. He will not see the same meanings as me, it will even annoy someone. And what we like in music may be very unpleasant for someone else. Many people don’t think about this, but… we are not one of those, are we? 🙂

With all this, I came to the conclusion that I created a world for myself in which certain things are interconnected, which is why I can easily type posts like this while listening to my playlist, and I can’t collect my thoughts if some YouTube video or something else is playing in the background. Because this music is a part of me and it is the “background of the soul”. It can only be understood by you, because it’s like your own house and someone else’s – you can only feel “at home” in your own place, and such a phrase as “feel at home” loses all meaning, because you can’t feel like you’re used to somewhere else.

I think it would be great if we could let someone listen to our playlist and it gave us the opportunity to see the world through our eyes. To understand our perception. But, unfortunately, although it works, it is in very exceptional cases. Otherwise, our music, thoughts, and world will always remain just our “home,” in which others will feel uncomfortable.

Black hole

It seems like there’s too much time, but for some reason there’s not enough of it for anything. It’s like you’re doing your daily chores, trying to get everything done, but in fact…in fact, the main thing is to improve your health.

I don’t like periods when I can’t control my physical condition. That is, I don’t understand how to get out of the hole I’ve found myself in. So let’s try to get treated as prescribed by the doctor, and then we’ll see. Because everything is “not quite” as we would like.

I’m trying to keep two blogs, Pulse (where I try to win contests), Deviant, I don’t even look at Reddit anymore. I postpone posts a little bit. I don’t have the strength or the opportunity to write new ones right now, but I still do them from time to time. I have a lot of things to do and I need to get everything done, but…there are always some “buts”.

Money has become a little easier, which is very pleasing. By the end of March, I would like to close the money issue and move forward. Because too many debts have accumulated. Is it realistic to pull out all the plans? I hope so. There is still time, but I hope for some “luck”. Maybe life will give me the same chance? Maybe at least once?..

Each evening has its own plan

Every evening, when my time comes, I have my own plan for it. That is, I plan what I will do for the next few hours. Sometimes it is posting photos on websites, sometimes repairing something. I have plans to film a video of repairing a camera and this will probably be the first video on the channel. The first video for an article. This is a laborious process, so I put it off until last. Today I restored the battery of a screwdriver. The process went well, although it was the first time. I also managed to shoot a micro-video with a tentacle for a post on the main blog and also took a few photos with it. But that’s not what this is about.

I planned these thoughts, and I’m trying to collect them. I found a person, and it almost ended with a breakdown in the spirit of “deleting Facebook” (well… you know. I have this happen to me. Or not? Oh…). But I didn’t. Because it’s pointless now. I think the best option is to develop these relationships. For many reasons “why”. It is appropriate to mention Placebo:

“Time will help you through
But it doesn’t have the time
To give you all the answers
To the never-ending why”

I can’t explain why you shouldn’t impose yourself on someone. Maybe that’s why it’s perceived as an imposition? I think so.

I don’t deserve new people with my current perception of other people. Because I think more than usual about what I can get “in the near future”. But the question should be asked differently – what can I give? And this is the main question that I can’t answer.

The other side of the question has always been that people need exactly the little that you can give – sincere interest, words of encouragement. When you are interested in what a person writes simply because you are really interested.

An eternal struggle with myself. I am learning to be a Creature. Not to make the mistakes that I would have made before, and to listen more to my inner voice.

The face is tense – a devastated smile

I look exhausted. And old. This situation with the lack of income is taking a toll on my health, especially today. It’s nice to think that you still have a chance and opportunities, but now I see that both chance and opportunities have been taken away from me. This country has taken away both of those things from me. It makes me want to just take a ticket with my last money and go somewhere else, look for another, better life. What will it be? Probably, any one will be better now. Simply because I’m tired of living the way I am now, depending on… people. If no one buys anything from you – no one needs you. I’m not sure that we will be able to go to my nephews in the spring, since for now, literally, there is no money even for food. Of course, there is something to sell and close the issue “for now”, but I don’t want to stay here any longer. Because without free income – I have nothing here. Absolutely. We have a house, but it has no meaning or value if you can’t pay for its maintenance, and that’s exactly what it’s going to do now. And I see how this country, having drunk the juices out of people, has taken away my ability to buy something. Others are suffering – I’m suffering too. And I don’t want to think about what it will be like there after the war and in general. I just want not to think about this country at all. Because it has taught me only that it constantly takes something away…

‘Cause my money, see, it don’t grow(c)Ynk

I do things that don’t sell, but there is always one buyer. That’s me. And when you look at a gallery and you like the result of your work, you’re on the right track. Because this is your world. In general, no matter what a person does, their creativity is their inner world. Any creativity. That’s why I love different creativity and different people.

And the main thing I want to see in a person’s work is two things. The first of them is their soul, and the second is the desire to see the final result in their creativity. Because I’ve seen more than once how what starts to sell ceases to be what inspires you. That’s why I understand that certain people try to make money with their talent, but I love those who see a certain psychotherapy in their creativity. An attempt to find themselves in this world, to find people like them, to find those who will share their world. Because loneliness, even with money, is a very scary thing.

Alcohol like a sex..

I caught myself thinking that for me, drinking with someone…stranger is like having sex with just anyone. That is, you can, but why? While promoting the topic “why doesn’t everyone sleep with everyone”, I came to the conclusion that there is no point in this. For example, you can catch some kind of disease. A person can be sloppy (in your understanding), a person can be interested “in themselves”. A person can behave in a way that we find unpleasant. It’s just that in sex there are more “animal” instincts, and then there is the very essence of alcohol as such. So, to the idea that you shouldn’t sleep with just anyone, you come to another – that, respecting yourself, you also shouldn’t drink with people you don’t…respect? Probably.

As Dasha once said – “a person is not my level”. Well, apparently, in this interpretation, it is somewhere like that.

Nothing to say

Lately, I’ve been thinking more and more often that I’m “burned out” on writing something, and now, my attempt to write a big post for the main blog almost ends in a fiasco because… I don’t know what to write about. I don’t know how to write good reviews about TV series, I don’t know how to tell stories about actors, and I’m not the kind of person who would study huge amounts of information just to say “a famous actress starred in the series that you might have seen…”, because I myself haven’t seen that actress anywhere else. Could this very blog reader have seen her somewhere? Or is it even important to tell it? But the point is not that, but that I simply have “nothing” to tell. To convey some idea. I understand technical articles, but others are too difficult for me to reproduce right now. I can’t just take this text and publish 1,000 words about something I watched or heard. Simply because there is no inspiration, but… it has been gone for quite some time.

So… should I have ended it there? It’s hard to say. But I understand that I need some kind of “restart” to make everything work again. All that remains is to find a way to do it…

Letters for Silence

Today I caught myself thinking that I don’t want to be in silence. To write for silence, to create for silence. I want to be seen, to be heard. So that what I do has a response. And I don’t expect it to be a response at the level of the previous blog. At least in the first years of its existence. But, at the same time, I already see that there are people who like my posts on social networks, although I started my new path only a month and a half ago. I see that there are visits to the blog. I see that there are creative people who are on the same wavelength with me. And I see inspiration in this. I have a desire to create something and share it. To develop it all. To go through trials and experiments.

I think that this engine in itself will become both a reason for a deeper study of the language and an increase in the desire to integrate into some other system. To be part of another world. And let someone say that “everything new should be started before 25-30 (years)”, but I believe that only now you see and feel what you want, and in which direction to move further.

I am sincerely inspired by the idea that some people achieved success only after 40 years, because I also see and feel that only now can I choose the direction in which to live the next part of our lives. I believe that 2025 will be a breakthrough. And I will do everything to catch up with what was lost in the past two years. The past three years.